Programming - page 10

Android: Bitmap to Integer array

Click here to read Android: Bitmap to Integer array

As stated in the title, this post explains how to generate an Integer pixel array from a Bitmap object, that will hold the color information from each pixel of the image. This post also explains the opposite: creating a Bitmap object from an Integer array. This can be useful when one needs to apply effects to Bitmap instances. As usual, an example Eclipse project is available for download at the end of this post. It works both on the emulator and on physical devices running Android 2.0.

So, let’s get to the code. Putting it in a simplified manner, the below Activity decodes a PNG image into a Bitmap object, then, an array is created with the same number of pixels as the image. After that, a method from the Bitmap instance puts the pixel color information in the array. Continue reading: “Android: Bitmap to Integer array”

Android: obtaining SD card memory information

Click here to read Android: obtaining SD card memory information

This Android tutorial explains how to obtain the primary external storage (normally, the SD card) information, such as the total available space and how much memory it has left to be consumed by applications and data. Fortunately, this is a short and simple code, that can be used to create file explorer app, or to check if the SD card has enough space to copy data into the external storage. An example Eclipse project with the source code is available for download at the end of the post. It requires Android 2.1 (Eclair) and works both on a real and emulated devices.

In simple terms, the code below checks for a connected SD card, by querying its state. If a external device was found, it then obtains the external memory’s total and available sizes, returning the values in GB, MB, KB and bytes: Continue reading: “Android: obtaining SD card memory information”

Android: Fixing the API 12 Demos project errors

Click here to read Android: Fixing the API 12 Demos project errors

This post shows how to fix some of the most common errors when creating a project with the API 12 (Android 3.1) demos in the Eclipse IDE. The API samples comes bundled with the Android SDK and are a set of Activities that exemplifies how to do almost anything in Android. Following the instructions described at the official documentation to create a new Eclipse project with the API demos 12 code will cause a lot of errors.

Continue reading: “Android: Fixing the API 12 Demos project errors”

Unity: Scaling Pixel Art

Click here to read Unity: Scaling Pixel Art

This Unity post explains how to prepare images and set the Texture Importer settings to correctly render pixel art in Unity3D. So, this post covers how the different Texture Importer settings affects the pixel art textures in 3D models and in the game’s graphical user interface (GUI).

Continue reading: “Unity: Scaling Pixel Art”