Posts Tagged ‘Java’

These posts contain code written in Java or are somehow related to Java.

Android: Creating a button to load images from a remote server

Click here to read Android: Creating a button to load images from a remote server

This is a follow up to the post published two days ago that explained how to load images into a View’s Canvas from different sources. Differently from the last post, I will explain how to load images from a remote server after the View has been loaded and rendered on the screen. Also, this post features how to download an image after pressing a button.

So, let’s get to it. The first thing the reader might be thinking is that we just need to create a button and place the code that downloads the image inside it. It’s not as simple as that, due to these problems: (more…)

Android: loading images from a remote sever, SD card and from the Resources folder

Click here to read Android: loading images from a remote sever, SD card and from the Resources folder

As stated on the title, this post will explain how to load a image from 3 different sources: the SD card, from a remote server and from the Resources folder. Since the methods and code used to load these images from these sources are different from one another, this post is going to be divided into three different parts, one for each location.

Select one of the following links to go to a specific part of the post: (more…)

Game Programming Basics: Moving an element

Click here to read Game Programming Basics: Moving an element

This post explains some of the most basic game programming techniques: how to move elements on the screen. If you already know this, please skip it, or add something to this post in the comments. Since these lines of codes are trivial to game programming, it may be one of the reasons why it is so hard to find a post or a website explaining them. The code presented on this post isn’t the only way to move objects in a game and certainly there is a lot more information out there. The intention of this post is to serve as a starting point.


Android: Changing the ‘back’ button behaviour

Click here to read Android: Changing the ‘back’ button behaviour

Sometimes, when programming Android applications, there is the need to assign another behavior for the ‘Back’ button that isn’t the default one. Although not recommended, there are some cases that changing the ‘Back’ button behavior is necessary, such as to avoid accidentally finishing the current Activity.

For example, a text editor, should confirm if the user really wants to quit without saving the current changes, or a game, that check if it is the player’s intention to forfeit the current game session.

So, to start changing the ‘Back’ button, behavior, you need to override the onKeyDown() method and than check if the desired button has been pressed: (more…)

Android OpenGL: Get the ModelView Matrix on Cupcake (1.5)

Click here to read Android OpenGL: Get the ModelView Matrix on Cupcake (1.5)

One of the most annoying things when developing apps with OpenGL in Android 1.5, is the fact that there’s no access to the ModelView or the Projection matrices. It is not possible to call the glGetFloatv function because it wasn’t implemented until OpenGL ES 1.1, which isn’t available in the Cupcake versions. So, how to get the ModelView matrix on Android 1.5? The first thing you are going to do is grab these three classes: MatrixGrabber, MatrixStack and MatrixTrackingGL. All of them are inside the API demos, under the package

Matrix Classes Image

You're going to need these.
