Posts Tagged ‘openFrameworks’

Squares, an openFrameworks application

Click here to read Squares, an openFrameworks application

This is a video from my first try to do something interactive using openFrameworks. It has been quite a learning experience. Capturing and detecting motion from a single webcam isn’t as straightforward as it appears to be.

Luckily, openFrameworks already comes with the OpenCV add-on, that makes things much easier when it comes to background subtraction and blob detection. Before that, I was trying to make my own camera movement detection based on a defined color range. It didn’t work well enough to make a video of it and it didn’t work at night, being that it was extremely susceptible to light condition changes. Using the OpenCV add-on was just a matter of choosing the background subtraction algorithm and using the blob detection at the processed image.


Configuring openFrameworks add-ons in Codeblocks

Click here to read Configuring openFrameworks add-ons in Codeblocks

At some point, when using openFrameworks to create interactive applications, one needs to use some of the bundled add-ons. This post will explain how to configure your Codeblocks project to use these add-ons and how to include the OpenCV add-on to your project. Before continuing, you should know there is an automated tool that helps the programmer in this process, specially designed to easily configure openFrameworks projects and add-ons at Google Code: ofcodeblocksplugin (official forum thread here).

Differently from this tool, this post explains on how to manually include the add-ons to your openFrameworks project. The process described here was done using Codeblocks 10.05 and openFrameworks 0.62 on a computer running Windows.


New Project: ‘Interactive Squares’

Click here to read New Project: ‘Interactive Squares’

Finally, a new project! It’s been a while since a post was published in this section of the website.

This is a project I’ve being developing, and will be called ‘Interactive Squares’ for now. It’s basically a interactive piece that is being created using the openFrameworks toolkit.

I have started this project using ActionScript, but thought it could be much more interesting if the user used a webcam for the input.

The application consists of a group of gray squares that are repelled each time the element that is controlled with the mouse collides with one of them. A gray square only returns to its original position after the black one is at a certain distance from it.

So, here’s a working prototype made with Flash: (more…)