Posts Tagged ‘Sensors’

Android: Acessing the gyroscope sensor for simple applications

Click here to read Android: Acessing the gyroscope sensor for simple applications

This post explains how to get values from the gyroscope (or any sensor that returns the device’s relative angle) to create simple application. The reason why I’m stating ‘for simple applications’ is because the code featured here is already deprecated. I’m just explaining how to do it because it still works, and it’s very clean and short to explain, as opposed to the new method, which is much more accurate but more complex to implement.

Still, it’s possible to use it for simple applications, although, if the application requires accuracy from the sensors, such as augmented reality applications or even games, it’s recommended to use the getRotationMatrix() method from the Sensor Manger class instead.

With that said, the following code just prints the rotation values from the gyroscope on the screen: (more…)