Posts Tagged ‘XML’
Android: reading float values from a XML file
Posted by Dimitri | Filed under Programming
When programming an Android app, data such as integers, drawables and strings can be loaded from XML files through the Resources class, using their automatically generated IDs. But a float can’t be placed in these XML files, since the Resources class won’t generate IDs for it. This post will focus on explaining how to load a float, and some other values from a customized XML file. All code featured in this tutorial is available at the end of the post.
It’s worth mentioning that this example uses the XmlResourceParser class (a XML pull parser) to read the contents from a XML file. This is just one of the three available methods of retrieving the contents of a XML file in Android. That being said, the first thing we are going to need is the XML file. (more…)
Android: Changing the animation between Activities
Posted by Dimitri | Filed under Programming
This post features how to change Android’s default animation when switching between Activities. Before reading the rest, please know that the code that changes the standard animation be found at the API Demo that comes with the Android SDK. But since there’s a lack of proper documentation regarding this subject and it’s difficult to find a place explaining it, here is a post that helps in aiding these two problems.
So, the code to change the animation between two Activities is very simple: just call the overridePendingTransition() from the current Activity, after starting a new Intent. This method is available from Android version 2.0 (API level 5), and it takes two parameters, that are used to define the enter and exit animations of your current Activity. Here’s an example: (more…)
Android Manifest File for a Game
Posted by Dimitri | Filed under Programming
Android was designed to see every application as a collection of Activities united by intents. It also relies on the Activity stack to determine what Activity will be launched after the user finishes it by pressing the ‘back’ button. While the stack system is helpful for users and for some applications, this default behavior isn’t a necessarily a good thing for games.
That is mainly because of two things: a game use a lot of hardware resources from the device that runs it, meaning that having other activities in the same stack as the game Activity can have an impact on its performance. And the stack default behavior could lead to multiple instances of the same game running in the same stack.