This page will display some projects that are currently being developed when I’m not writing this blog.
This is a list of projects I’ve participated:
- 3D Browser Game.
- Squares (openFrameworks).
- Arrows Live Wallpaper (Get it now on the Google Play Store!)
Recent Project posts:
Arrows Live Wallpaper, an arrow flood on your screen!
Posted by Dimitri | Sep 15th, 2012
Update: Get the FULL version ! Or, get the FREE version!
For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been creating an Android live wallpaper and preparing its release. It’s called Arrows Live Wallpaper. As the name implies, it’s an Android live wallpaper that consists of colorful arrows that are constantly moving around. At the background, there’s a equally colorful image that fills up the entire screen adding to the overall effect. Also, you will get lots of options to customize just about everything on the wallpaper, such as the theme, color scheme, arrows speed and battery consumption. Here’s a screenshot:
Continue reading: “Arrows Live Wallpaper, an arrow flood on your screen!”
Squares, an openFrameworks application
Posted by Dimitri | Mar 22nd, 2011
This is a video from my first try to do something interactive using openFrameworks. It has been quite a learning experience. Capturing and detecting motion from a single webcam isn’t as straightforward as it appears to be.
Luckily, openFrameworks already comes with the OpenCV add-on, that makes things much easier when it comes to background subtraction and blob detection. Before that, I was trying to make my own camera movement detection based on a defined color range. It didn’t work well enough to make a video of it and it didn’t work at night, being that it was extremely susceptible to light condition changes. Using the OpenCV add-on was just a matter of choosing the background subtraction algorithm and using the blob detection at the processed image.
Continue reading: “Squares, an openFrameworks application”
New Project: ‘Interactive Squares’
Posted by Dimitri | Feb 8th, 2011
Finally, a new project! It’s been a while since a post was published in this section of the website.
This is a project I’ve being developing, and will be called ‘Interactive Squares’ for now. It’s basically a interactive piece that is being created using the openFrameworks toolkit.
I have started this project using ActionScript, but thought it could be much more interesting if the user used a webcam for the input.
The application consists of a group of gray squares that are repelled each time the element that is controlled with the mouse collides with one of them. A gray square only returns to its original position after the black one is at a certain distance from it.
So, here’s a working prototype made with Flash: Continue reading: “New Project: ‘Interactive Squares’”
New Project: Web Game
Posted by Dimitri | Oct 7th, 2010
This project is going to be a 3D game that can be played on regular web browsers. In this game, the player has to try to collect as many crystals as possible while trying to keep the robot alive. There is no plan for a release date yet.
Of course, there are some other gameplay features, but I will be releasing more news about this project when it reaches the beta version. Luckily, I’m not doing this alone. I’m working with a great 3D artist called Basílio, he has set up a temporary blog here: Augusto Basílio Design.
Here’s a teaser image:

What do you think?